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 Administrative / Suggestions / 1334
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Re: Does Lugnet have a parts "Wish List" page?
Fri, 6 May 2005 03:45:38 GMT
5752 times
Could you clarify that? I was not aware that any posts on LUGNET ever • expire!
That's not the design intent. Can you provide a link to a post that's • expired?

Sometimes the picture links go bad though, but that's a function of where • they
are hosted (Brickshelf pics don't go bad unless the author moves them)

Ah, ok.  Thanks for that Larry.

(all this is subject to LUGNET and Brickshelf not going away)

and I think it would be great if we could preserve all these
excellent suggestions in one place, especially since we're continuing to
develop a stronger relationship with the company.


Seems an interesting suggestion. So I XFUT to admin.suggestions, where
suggestions go.

I'll use this reply to officially submit my request for such a page on

Dave S.

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