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 Administrative / Suggestions / 1216
  Some suggestions
I know I've made these in the past, but I don't have time to dig up the original threads, so I'll just repost the suggestions for reference in the new list: Have a way for a member to view a list of all un-authenticated posts. This list could (...) (20 years ago, 30-Mar-05, to lugnet.admin.suggestions)
  Re: Some suggestions
(...) From a strictly paranoid point of view, that would be a bad idea. Right now, if I just randomly try auth strings until I hit one that's pending, all I get is the ability to approve/deny what the original author wrote (since the chance of me (...) (20 years ago, 30-Mar-05, to lugnet.admin.suggestions)
  Re: Some suggestions
(...) What's the probability of hitting an auth string? It would be reasonable to only allow editing if logged on, or to re-authenticate the post. Hmm, definitely have to be logged on to see all the pending authentications, otherwise all you have to (...) (20 years ago, 30-Mar-05, to lugnet.admin.suggestions)

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