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Re: Direct link to member pages from newsgroups
Sun, 23 Jan 2005 16:46:35 GMT
4056 times
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Kyle D. Jackson wrote:
G'day Todd (or whoever else),

When using the web interface to read the newsgroups, I am often interested
in looking at the member page for a poster, to know more about them (or
more often than not, to remind myself who they are, since I've only
recently come back to LUGNET after a 2-year absence).  But there is no
direct link that I can see from a member's post to their member page
(at lugnet/members/NNN).  In the past I just worked around this (tediously),
but it wasn't until I'd spent a lot of time on another website that I
realized it needn't be this way.  This other site has a "Who is" link
displayed immediately after the poster's name/email address on every
single post.  Clicking on that opens a window with their identity page.

Could this be added to LUGNET?  It seems like it would be a small change,
but would be incredibly helpful to many people.

Thanx and regards,

Has there been any activity on this suggestion?

BTW, thanx for adding the "Sign in" link to the home page.  I don't know when
it appeared, but it's very useful.  Thanx, whoever you are!

LUGNETer #203

Message is in Reply To:
  Direct link to member pages from newsgroups
G'day Todd (or whoever else), When using the web interface to read the newsgroups, I am often interested in looking at the member page for a poster, to know more about them (or more often than not, to remind myself who they are, since I've only (...) (21 years ago, 20-Jun-04, to lugnet.admin.suggestions)

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