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  Re: 8 new subgroups of lugnet.people (Kids, Teens, Adults, Singles, Couples, Parents, Support, LGBT)
(...) What a great couple of groups for people from NAMBLA or other pedophiles and the like to cruise since they would blend in with the adults already using the site. Time to get rid of that quote on the home page about it being "the friendliest (...) (20 years ago, 19-Sep-04, to lugnet.admin.nntp) ! 
  Re: 8 new subgroups of lugnet.people (Kids, Teens, Adults, Singles, Couples, Parents, Support, LGBT)
(...) The general public might think an adult site devoted to a childrens' toy a bit suspect anyway. Who knows what they think about the Bionicle websites. (...) The Brick Testament better watch out, or readers of the source material. (...) (20 years ago, 20-Sep-04, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: 8 new subgroups of lugnet.people (Kids, Teens, Adults, Singles, Couples, Parents, Support, LGBT)
Hello! (...) With posts like yours: certainly. Bye Jojo (20 years ago, 21-Sep-04, to lugnet.admin.nntp)

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