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Re: Female Ldraw Parts
lugnet.cad, lugnet.admin.nntp
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 17:16:28 GMT
38 times
In lugnet.cad, Ryan Farrington writes:
In lugnet.cad, Franklin W. Cain writes:
In lugnet.cad Larry Pieniazek writes:
This kind of confuses me.  I thought an unoffical file was a real part,
but the file hadn't yet been approved?


You are correct.  The term "unofficial file/part/subfile/[whatever]"
does in fact mean "not yet released" or "not yet approved for release".

To the best of my understanding, we've made no provision for any part
that does not truly exist.  However, FWIW, for the non-existent files
I'd encoded (for myself as a LEGO minifig), I used the term "Non-Existent
Part" (or Pattern).


Oh! I wasn't aware of the generally accepted meaning of "unofficial." The
files I have made are NOT of actual LEGO(r) parts; they are, as Franklin
said, "non-existent."

Man, do I wish Lego made them though! Thanks for the
clarification of the terms I used/probably should have used! Sorry for the
confusion, Lar.

--Ryan :)

P.S. I would have replied sooner, but I was *very* busy! :-)

Are you starting a new thread when you reply, pasting in what was said? Or
are you hitting reply? If the latter, I think we may have a broken threader
tool problem here. FUT admin.nntp

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Female Ldraw Parts
(...) Oh! I wasn't aware of the generally accepted meaning of "unofficial." The files I have made are NOT of actual LEGO(r) parts; they are, as Franklin said, "non-existent." Man, do I wish Lego made them though! Thanks for the clarification of the (...) (23 years ago, 20-Apr-02, to lugnet.cad)

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