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Re: Opinions wanted: article rating harmful? (was: New feature: Article rating)
Fri, 21 Apr 2000 05:46:18 GMT
2665 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Todd Lehman writes:
Instead of displaying ratings as numbers, display them now as a string of "+"
symbols (and a "-" symbol for 0)... i.e.:

     ++++   5   83-100
      +++   4   67-82
       ++   3   50-66
        +   2   33-49
            1   17-32
        -   0    0-16

The minus signs still look damaging, and I don't think it's good that a
default of 1 (20 internally) can be lowered to 0 by a single person casting
a 0.  (20+0)/2 = 10, which becomes 0, which becomes "-".

Might tweak this tomorrow, either to...

    +++++   5   83-100
     ++++   4   67-82
      +++   3   50-66
       ++   2   33-49
        +   1   17-32
            0    0-16

...or to...

     ++++   4   80-100
      +++   3   60-79
       ++   2   40-59
        +   1   20-39
            0    0-19

...and in either case with 0 as the default rather than 1 (or 20 internally).
0 (blank) just seems so much easier to start with and explain than partway
up the range.  This way, also, nothing could _ever_ get a negative rating --
The worst that could happen to something is that it didn't have any symbol
shown next to it.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Opinions wanted: article rating harmful? (was: New feature: Article rating)
(...) This looks like a much better rating system. And I agree that any given article shouldn't be given a negative rating without further explanation. If someone continuously receives negative ratings for their posts, they might take it as their (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general)  
  Re: Opinions wanted: article rating harmful? (was: New feature: Article rating)
(...) How about +++ 4 ++ 3 + 2 1 0 ? (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Opinions wanted: article rating harmful? (was: New feature: Article rating)
(...) First, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to put their thoughts into words, both publicly and privately. A clearer picture is beginning to emerge. We'd like to try scaling things back (i.e., simplifying things) just a little bit first (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.announce) !! 

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