Re: MSIE5 better but still buggy (was: Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer)
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 21:09:07 GMT
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"Todd Lehman" <> wrote in message
> Whether the standards are more important than the UI experience is probably
> a hotly debatable issue, but IMHO the standards exist to serve the UI, rather
> than the other way around (just my opinion). If a major browser vendor goes
> against an arguably broken standard in a way which improves the UI experience,
> it's better for everyone IMHO if the other major vendors also do the same,
> even if it shames the spec.
The problem with that is "arguably broken" is subjective. If one vendor
the standard is broken and the other doesn't then we end up with two
implementations anyway. That's no better than not having a standard at all.
Heck, the whole HTML 4.0 spec is "arguably broken" (hence it being the last
version -- XHTML 1.0 being the replacement). :)
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