Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 17:37:47 GMT
2055 times
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In lugnet.admin.general, Mike Stanley writes:
> In which version _was_ it broken? I never had problems viewing those
> graphs, from the day you started posting them.
It was (is) broken in MSIE3. But if you were running MSIE3 back in 1998, the
bug never showed up because the nodes and connector lines in the graphs were
each in their own table cell. The bug became visible in mid-1999 when the
table was thrown out and simplified to simple rows of <IMG> tags abutted
together as tightly as possible. NN rendered the inter-image spacing correctly
(0 pixels) while MSIE3 rendered it with ~6 extra scan lines of whitespace
between lines/rows. Seemed like a fair tradeoff for being able to vastly
simplify the HTML code for the graphs, also hoping/faithing that MS would fix
the bug eventually.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
| (...) I never really used IE3 - I was using NN3 then, then NN4, then once IE4 became fairly stable I switched to it for a while, then back to NN4, then tried NC4.x, couldn't stand how unstable it was, then IE5 came out and I've never switched back (...) (25 years ago, 18-Mar-00, to lugnet.admin.general)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
| (...) Then *you* need to be more specific in your announcements, especially given your outspoken anti-M$ attitude. :) If you're not going to bother checking the _current_ version of IE, you need to say so. If you're talking about a bug that, to the (...) (25 years ago, 18-Mar-00, to lugnet.admin.general)
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