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Re: Search button
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 21:04:17 GMT
1009 times
Todd Lehman wrote:

Just a quick "heads up" on a slight interface addition --

We need to add a clickable "Search" button next to the newsgroup search boxes
at the top of most pages, due to a forms bug in Microsoft Internet Explorer
(and possibly other Netscape clones).

The problem is that the 'Enter' key works correctly in MSIE pages containing
a single, simple edit-box HTML form, but not in pages containing multiple HTML
forms, even if those forms are all simply edit boxes.  Thus, MSIE actually
sometimes requires an HTML form to have an actual Submit button.

Currently, only a very small number of pages on the site have more than one
HTML form, but this won't always be the case -- especially with some of the
upcoming new features which will require HTML forms.

If your browser of choice is Netscape Navigator, you won't notice any change
in behavior -- you can still type searches and hit 'Enter' to activate them.

If your browser of choice is Microsoft Internet Explorer, then you won't
probably notice any change in behavior either, except on pages which contain
more than one HTML form.  In those cases, you'll have to click the form's
Submit button manually with the mouse or with Tab-Enter.  Please direct any
complaints regarding this to your browser vendor.

What I don't understand from your above is why MSIE has no problems with
eBay's pages which have different querries executed depending on where
you are when you hit enter (but Netscape Navigator at work requires me
to hit the submit button).

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Search button
(...) Hmm. Some possibilities: - eBay using VBScript-denhanced forms detecting the use of the Enter key? - MS fixed the UI bug post-MSIE3 and Netscape added it post-4.7? What versions of those two browsers are you running? --Todd (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Search button
Just a quick "heads up" on a slight interface addition -- We need to add a clickable "Search" button next to the newsgroup search boxes at the top of most pages, due to a forms bug in Microsoft Internet Explorer (and possibly other Netscape clones). (...) (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.announce)

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