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 Administrative / General / 5230
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Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
Tue, 14 Mar 2000 14:14:14 GMT
736 times
Narf! This would be so cool if it worked... but it doesn't, not on MSIE.

Next, open up you browser's "Edit Bookmarks" window (Ctrl-B or Command-B • in
Netscape).  This might be called "Favorites" or "Links" in non-Netscape

Now, from the File menu, select "New Bookmark..."

This is totally non-doable in MSIE.

It can be done, but not nearly as easily as in Netscape.  Here's how:

1)   Go to any webpage and it to your favorites
2)   Find that link in your favorites folder, right click , and select
3)   Change the name (DUH :-)
4)   Right click on the renamed link and select "Properties"
5)   Replace the URL with the appropriate code
6)   Move the new link to the Links Folder

Now, if I could only get javascript to work.  I guess I'll check that
alternate code on the QuickSet page.


Lego Beach Department of Emergency Services

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