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 Administrative / General / 4999
  Re: Does a framwork exist for the subscibers to a group to change its charter?
(...) Yah, agreed -- a better word is needed. Suggestions? "Flog" is good but probably not as well understood(?). --Todd (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: Does a framwork exist for the subscibers to a group to change its charter?
(...) against (...) not (...) "Offers," or "offerings" or both maybe, "lugnet.technic.offe...offerings" Just a suggestion. Rich -- Have Fun! C-Ya! Legoman34 ***** Legoman34 (Richard W. Schamus)... (No, I don't work for TLC, but I want to...) Card (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

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