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Re: Language slipping?
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 23:34:26 GMT
2628 times
In lugnet.general, "Scott E. Sanburn" <> writes:
James Brown wrote:
Hmm.  Hate to be the guy who calls this out, but I've noticed a higher
than normal use of "casual use" vulgarity in the last few weeks.  Not
really from any single "offender" or anything, nor used in a particularly
offensive way, but it's there.

Just a general call to keep it clean, folks.

<cynically donning flame suit>

James, if anyone flames you for saying what you wrote, then I think they
have a major attitude problem.  Thank you for drawing this to my attention,
and thanks to others who pointed out (publicly and via email) two flagrant
transgressions this past week.

If something offends you (or is being obviously offensive to many people --
and we all know what this means when we see it), please don't feel ashamed
to speak up about it.  You can use the anonymous feedback form if you wish:

There are no guarantees of course that every problem can be addressed or
cleared up, but the odds are at least increased by your speaking up rather
than remaining silent.

I have noticed as well. As Larry P. sig used to say, this is a family
group, here folks, or something to that effect.

Indeed.  And on that note, two people lost partial posting privileges
this week, one person and the other person
lugnet.general.  It's no fun being in the position to have to do this
sort of thing, but I don't know yet of any other effective and lasting
solution.  IMHO, warnings would not have worked in these two cases, and
I'm getting sick and tired of giving warnings anyway when they shouldn't
even be necessary in the first place.

At some point I think there ought to be some formalized mechanism in
place for the community to judge and respond to matters like this
collectively, which will hopefully tend to make things much more fair
and objective.


[followups to lugnet.admin.general]

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Language slipping?
(...) group, here folks, or something to that effect. Scott "Always has flame proof shielding on" Sanburn ___...___ Scott E. Sanburn CAD Operator Affiliated Engineers, Inc. Work Page: (URL) Page: (URL) LEGO Page: (URL) to come: Star Wars LEGO Sets (...) (25 years ago, 17-Dec-99, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general)

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