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Re: Jonathan Wilson's posting privileges on LUGNET
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 11:50:24 GMT
552 times
Rob Doucette <> wrote:
Adam Howard wrote in message ...
Followup-To: lugnet.admin.general


For being rude and disrespectful,

I don't follow the .cad groups so I've been missing all the fun on LUGNET,
but luckily the brass balls have been clanging away on RTL:

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Wilson <>
Date: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 5:16 AM
Subject: i am very pissed at john dilorenzo...

i am very pissed at john dilorenzo...
he promised to scan some instructions in for me and he has not done so.
he also will not respont to my messages.

Yeah, that's the kind of person we all want to deal with on a regular

He's very "pissed" at John D. indeed.

What arrogance, and so recently, too.

The pieces you want and nothing else - easy online bidding! - Just Another Brick Auction
Sure, you could pay someone to run your LEGO auction.
Or, you could run it yourself for free:   (Still in beta)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Jonathan Wilson's posting privileges on LUGNET
Adam Howard wrote in message ... (...) SNIP (...) I don't follow the .cad groups so I've been missing all the fun on LUGNET, but luckily the brass balls have been clanging away on RTL: -Rob. (...) (26 years ago, 17-Aug-99, to lugnet.admin.general)

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