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Re: Sugestions
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.admin.suggestions
Wed, 20 Apr 2005 23:10:22 GMT
6262 times

You have an excellent point there. The off topic groups are an elegant solution to threads that wander away from Lego. What I find disappointing are threads that begin and end in .debate like this recent one:* And the fact that .debate alone has more posts than the rest of .off topic groups (excluding .testing) combined and more posts than many other popular groups.

   I also think it’s good to have those forums because if I have a group of friends, it’s nice to be able to talk to them about everything I’m interested in, and not have our discussion solely limited to the topic that initially brought us together.

Your right there as well it is nice to be able to talk about just what ever and not worry that you’re in the wrong group. An interesting solution there is maybe to introduce .off topic .general with multiple subgroups without names just group 1 group 2 group 3 etc. up to five maybe or more to just discus anything if you don’t like the current topic you would checkout group 2 and see what they were talking about or start your own thread in a group with no recent traffic. I dunno just something off the top of my head might be too close to a chat room…….

Any way I hope we all are able to find a solution soon that leaves most here satisfied. It really would be a shame if all this fighting eventually killed Lugnet.

But enough doom and gloom back to getting ready to organize my collection (in other words putting it off =)). Hope maybe I can be of help solving this in future.

Live long and Play well,


P.S. I’m not poiting a finger at larry for posting this. It was just a good, recent example of the kind of thing I was talking about.

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  Re: Sugestions
In lugnet.admin.general, Peter Blencowe wrote: Some good thoughts--always nice to get fresh perspectives. (...) I'd be one of those who would disagree here. There are many times when something starts out as LEGO discussion but grows into something (...) (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.admin.suggestions)

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