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LUGNET Transition Update
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.announce
Tue, 8 Jun 2004 19:29:22 GMT
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1732 times
As mentioned late last week, here’s an update on the status of the LUGNET transition. Hopefully it will address recent concerns, as well as bring you some new, exciting news about the direction we’re taking.

First off, we consider new member issues as very important. We’re actively working behind the scenes to smooth out the process and elimiate delays some people still see. This includes allowing more people access to reset passwords and process new paid memberships. If you have any membership concerns or problems, please contact, and one of the administrators will address it shortly.

The new servers are not yet ready to go live. We do expect the move to be complete by the end of July. A lot depends on personal timing factors. Once the server move is complete, it will be possible to make necessary code changes in areas we’ve already identified, and possibly prior to that also bring on our first guest developer to work on improvements on the site.

We’d like to introduce the newest member of the LUGNET team, Leonard Hoffman. Lenny is coming on board as a result of the LUGNET transition discussions, and will be serving as the Content Coordinator for the site. This is a new role which is designed to bring some structure and vision to the way content is created and maintained across the LUGNET.

Lenny will work with Curators and with others who have access to the LUGNET site. The goal of this job is to:
  1. Serve as a point of contact for content-related questions and decisions on LUGNET.
  2. Identify content areas that need attention and work with Curators and volunteers to keep them properly updated.
  3. Propose and work to implement new content areas on the site as needed, structuring tasks for volunteer contributors to these areas.
You can contact Lenny at the following address:
Larry Pieniazek and Frank Filz will be assuming the role of Associate Administrators. Larry and Frank have already worked faithfully fulfilling many duties of admin, including adding/removing curators and post cancelling. Now their duties also include processing new memberships and applications for posting privileges, and they will soon be given the ability to reset passwords as well. They cannot yet, however, throw the final switch which actually activates a membership (still a single-person bottleneck -- we are discussing ways to possibly automate this entirely).

In addition to these mechanical tasks, Frank and Larry can be looked to for guidance and leadership in discussion groups. They will be available to assist keeping discussions on-topic for the group as well as to diffuse any personal debacles or heated discussions as necessary.

You can contact Frank and Larry at the following addresses:
Tim Courtney will assume the role of Transition Project Manager. Since the beginning of the transition process, Tim has stepped up and brought people together, organizing list discussion, as well as coordinating and moderating weekly conference calls. Now this role will be public, so comments, questions, and concerns about the transition process can be brought to his attention. Tim will be assuming public communication and updates regarding the transition process.

You can contact Tim at the following address:
Thanks as always for your continued support and concern for LUGNET’s success.

--Todd & the LUGNET Transition Team

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LUGNET Transition Update
(...) Thanks for the update! I for one am looking forward to a more open LUGNET. I'm a little concerned about the email addresses in this post for the new administrators. Won't those addresses be found by spam bots? Shouldn't an effort to spam-proof (...) (21 years ago, 8-Jun-04, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: LUGNET Transition Update
I for one am glad to see the progress that has taken place. I also feel comfortable with the people being brought on board. I continue to be amazed at how well this community (the AFOL community in general, and all of the orgs) do such wonderful (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jun-04, to lugnet.admin.general, FTX)

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