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 Administrative / General / 10670
10669  |  10671
Re: New Poll
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 21:36:46 GMT
420 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:
I think I'm going to start a poll about whether member originated polls are
a good idea or not, or maybe whether members who post seriously flawed polls
ought to have their poll originating privileges revoked. Haven't decided but
I'm tempted.

I think member originated polls are good, but it would be nice for an
option to be automatically added to indicate that one chose not to
respond to the poll, and better if one could choose from at least a
couple reasons. About half the polls which go up I'd vote the "choose
not to respond because the poll is flawed".


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Poll
(...) There was some discussion a while back about mandating inclusion of certain choices. I thought it was a good idea then and I still do. I would vote the same way you would on about 1/2 of them too. (22 years ago, 11-Dec-02, to lugnet.admin.general)

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