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Re: Interesting set variation noted over in RTL for 493 Space Command Center
lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database,
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 22:07:10 GMT
86 times
In lugnet.admin.database, Frank Filz <> writes:

Take a look at:


Pause shows the set using a crater baseplate, while the instruction
scans show a plain grey baseplate with craters built of bricks. Are
there any other sets which have such a wide difference? Does anyone know
when this change took place?

A couple people were just noting the same thing in the .space group about
five days comes up from time to's the other thread,
with a bit more info:


[followups to]

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Interesting set variation noted over in RTL for 493 Space Command Center
(...) Thanks Todd! A long bit of research on also turned up most of the info I was looking for. Pretty cool to read messages from four years ago. But do the boxes for the first version show the do-it-yourself craters? And are those grey (...) (25 years ago, 23-Sep-99, to
  Re: Interesting set variation noted over in RTL for 493 Space Command Center
(...) base to make it more visible that there are two different versions of this set. (25 years ago, 24-Sep-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Interesting set variation noted over in RTL for 493 Space Command Center
Take a look at: (URL) shows the set using a crater baseplate, while the instruction scans show a plain grey baseplate with craters built of bricks. Are there any other sets which have such a wide difference? Does anyone know when this change took (...) (25 years ago, 23-Sep-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.database)

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