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 Administrative / Curators / 17
    request to be a curator —Russell Clark
   I would like to take on the role of curator for (24 years ago, 25-Jul-01, to lugnet.admin.curators)
        Re: request to be a curator —William R. Ward
   (...) I would tend to think that should go to the same person who runs the baylug group....? (24 years ago, 30-Jul-01, to lugnet.admin.curators)
        Re: request to be a curator —Russell Clark
   (...) It has been awhile, so I am just re-emphasizing that I am available for curatorship of an Russell BayLUG/BayLTC (22 years ago, 25-Jan-03, to lugnet.admin.curators)
        Re: request to be a curator Todd Lehman
   (...) Russell: Ok, all set. --Todd (22 years ago, 3-Mar-03, to lugnet.admin.curators,
        Re: request to be a curator —Russell Clark
   (...) Is there a reason why my sidebar is gone from /loc/us/ca/sf, and I can no longer edit it? Russell (19 years ago, 20-Jan-06, to lugnet.admin.curators)

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