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  Search Results: crimson+skies
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  Re: Crimson Skies
(...) Wow, the GA himself! Still posting from the barrel in your cell? Thanks for the reply. But I think I'd disagree on that point--many of the planes in the game are just regular planes (I bought the game to see what all the hype was about). For (...) (21 years ago, 6-Feb-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.237)

  Re: Civvie space contest entry II - Aircar.
(...) It doesn't have to be transatmospheric to be space. :) As far as I'm concerned, anything science fiction is fair game in the .space newsgroup. (Which is why you'll see non-outer-space things like Crimson Skies) Space. -Grand Admiral .space (...) (21 years ago, 24-May-04, to, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.237)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
(...) Okay! I've really enjoyed following all the Crimson Skies models being built. I have to say, this is my favorite. Of what I've seen of the game, you've really captured the essence of the theme. Are the game creators aware of the models bieng (...) (21 years ago, 16-Mar-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.234)

  Re: Crimson Skies - NightHawk v.2
This kinda works for me. Try to catch that Sky Captain trailer again. Your Nighthawk reminds me of one of those flapping bad guy planes. Fradel (21 years ago, 13-Feb-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.234)

  Re: Crimson Skies - NightHawk v.2
(...) -snip- (...) Funny you mention the flatness of the underside, that's actually what I was going for. A little bit of layering, but otherwise flat. Glad you noticed :) I like the colors too, originally it was all grey, dark grey & black, but the (...) (21 years ago, 13-Feb-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.234)

  Re: Crimson Skies - NightHawk v.2
(...) -snip- (...) I did try smaller wingflaps, but the (URL) 4x4> ones seemed too stubby. If only there was a 6x4 to go with the (URL) 8x4> Ah well, lack of parts can sometimes lead to interesting comprimises :) Funny that in the previous version (...) (21 years ago, 13-Feb-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.234)

  Re: Crimson Skies
(...) I don't think it's the shape of your plane that makes it a stretch for CS as much as it's the high-tech looking weaponry. Exchange that stuff for some large primitive looking machine guns and I think you'd be a lot closer to the CS style... (...) (21 years ago, 6-Feb-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.234)

  Re: Crimson Skies
(...) Not really. I don't think you understand what I was trying to point out. Your plane follows the very typical composition with two large wings forward, with a standard tail design. It looks like any given forward-prop-driven plane dating from (...) (21 years ago, 6-Feb-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.234)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
I dunno, I think you're missing the point. This Crimson Skies stuff is purely fictional, and as a fictional plane straight out of Jon's imagination, this thing is damn cool. I don't like it when insanely whacky but intensly cool stuff like this gets (...) (21 years ago, 18-Mar-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.232)

  Re: Crimson Skies
(...) hmmm, bulkier, more primitive guns, I think I can manage that :) thanks for the input! TRS (21 years ago, 6-Feb-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.232)

  Crimson Skies
Hi all I've seen Crimson Skies posted to .space before, so I thought I'd see what you all think. (also post to .military) Here's the SkyWolf, armed to the teeth with four machine guns and a vicious turn radius ;-) After Mod: (URL) Deeplinks: (2 (...) (21 years ago, 6-Feb-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.230)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Aimes AirCorp Gyroplane
(...) Thanks for the comments Gil. Yea it was about time I took some pics of this thing and posted them. Now to get back to some .space building. Jamie (URL) (21 years ago, 12-Jan-04, to, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.227)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Aimes AirCorp Gyroplane
(...) Thanks for the comments Douglas. I actually got the original idea from the gyroplane that Howard Hughes flew in the "Rocketeer". It is nice to do a color outside of grey for a change :). It does seem a little under-armed. I might change that (...) (21 years ago, 12-Jan-04, to, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.227)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Aimes AirCorp Gyroplane
(...) No worries, I'll be back building spaceships in due time. ;) Jamie (21 years ago, 12-Jan-04, to

crimson, skies
(score: 1.227)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Aimes AirCorp Gyroplane
(...) I hear ya on the canopy thing. At first it was going to be an open cockpit. But then figured I would try to use a hinge and canopy. It has been fun to do stuff away from space. Thanks for the comments. Jamie (URL) (21 years ago, 12-Jan-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.227)

  2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
Well I took some time off of building ships (not like I was pumping a lot out) and made a few more Crimson Skies planes for the Northern Knights. I blame these latest builds on my using some of my free time playing Crimson Skies on X-Box Live. The (...) (21 years ago, 30-Apr-04, to,,, FTX) ! 

crimson, skies
(score: 1.227)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Aimes AirCorp Gyroplane
(...) Hey! The gyro makes an appearance! These things are truly the albatrosses of the sky....wacky, weird and wonderful. The crooked wing looks really good and the colour scheme is refreshing. As always, you details make it really work...the ladder (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jan-04, to, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.226)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Aimes AirCorp Gyroplane
(...) Thought: what is that? Comment: no, really, what IS that? Suggestion: come back to .space and build some .spacecraft :-D -paul (21 years ago, 8-Jan-04, to

crimson, skies
(score: 1.226)

  Crimson Skies MOC: Aimes AirCorp Gyroplane
The newest member of the Northern Knights squadron: (2 URLs) 1> (URL) 2> (URL) 3> (URL) 4> (URL) 5> Thoughts, comments, suggestions are all welcome Capt. Neufeld (URL) (21 years ago, 7-Jan-04, to,,, FTX)  

crimson, skies
(score: 1.225)

  Re: Crimson Skies Re-Build: C Bar One
First, let me apologize for taking so long to reply. I knew your C Bar One Coronado rebuild has been up for a while, I've just been lazy. Now, on to the comments. It looks as if you've addressed all of the criticizm I had about the first version. (...) (21 years ago, 6-Jan-04, to, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.225)

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