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  *595507 (-5)
  Re: Tim Gould's NY Subway remaster in lego
(...) [snip broken links] (...) Hi, a brief google search led me here: https://www.reddit.c..._2024free/ Not so impressive. But life at Lugnet: that is good news! :-) Ben (5 months ago, 28-Aug-24, to lugnet.trains) ! 
  Brickshelf Downloader
Reposting this from the LUGNET Reunion group on Facebook, as Tim is no longer active here... (...) Please use this tool responsibly, as Kevin's estate is paying to keep Brickshelf online for now. Steve (5 months ago, 15-Aug-24, to lugnet.announce.brickshelf)
  Re: Tim Gould's NY Subway remaster in lego
(...) Discord only retains these kind of URLs for a short time. The actual images are still in Discord. I'd also love to look at these pictures! (5 months ago, 15-Aug-24, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment
(...) This incredible display really demands more attention. Every time I check it out, I find more to admire in it. (5 months ago, 12-Aug-24, to
  Re: Tim Gould's NY Subway remaster in lego
(...) I'd love to look at these, but it says the content is no longer available? (5 months ago, 12-Aug-24, to lugnet.trains)

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