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  *579035 (-5)
  Re: LMC - Painting 905 done
Hi Matt / All, I am leaning on using the "commercial" style carpet with a very low loop mat. Unfortunately I know what you're talking about w.r.t. loosing pieces right in front of your eyes on the dirt hiding carpets! There is some reasonable cheep (...) (13 years ago, 9-May-12, to lugnet.trains)
  DAVE - we need to see you at Dinner
It is with great pleasure I would like to announce that Dave Koudys will be joining us at this months rtlToronto Dinner. Please feel free to join us this month on Friday May 11th at 7pm. The Swiss chalet will be packed with people looking to show (...) (13 years ago, 8-May-12, to
  LEGO Insurance Price Guide....
In the past I had 2 frantic LEGO sellers who asked me for help for them getting their Insurance claims settled with the United States Postal Service. For anyone who has ever tried to collect insurance claims from the USPS, you will know that it is (...) (13 years ago, 7-May-12, to
  LEGO Model Ocean Wave for EXPO 2012 (Video)
If you are traveling to Yeosu, Korea. The LEGO Group is one of the co-sponsors of the Danish Pavilion at EXPO 2012 Yeosu, Korea, and as part of the exhibition they have created a massive LEGO Model Ocean Wave. A time-lapse video of the wave being (...) (13 years ago, 7-May-12, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,,, FTX)  
  LEGO® set 10226 Sopwith Camel (video)
LEGO® Set 10226 Sopwith Camel May 7, 2012 BILLUND, Denmark – The legendary Sopwith Camel, the aircraft flown by WWI aces and one of the most recognisable British aircraft to take to the skies, has been recreated as a LEGO® Exclusive model. The (...) (13 years ago, 7-May-12, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,, FTX)  

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