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  Re: First train meet by a Swedish LUG?
(...) Looks like it was a fun session! I have one question, however: What exactly is the role of aliens in Swedish government? -Chris Gray (NALUG) (13 years ago, 6-May-12, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: First train meet by a Swedish LUG?
And here's a video - (URL) Anders Isaksson (13 years ago, 6-May-12, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: First train meet by a Swedish LUG?
(...) Pictures can be seen on brickshelf here - (URL) - after moderation. Some deep links: (URL) Isaksson (13 years ago, 6-May-12, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: First train meet by a Swedish LUG?
(...) Whoops - it was on the private part of the forum - I'll upload to Brickshelf soon. Meanwhile you can look at the pictures made by a 'normal' railway modeller who visited us: (URL) Anders Isaksson (13 years ago, 6-May-12, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: First train meet by a Swedish LUG?
(...) This sounds cool and I look forward to seeing the pictures, but when I click on the link I get a "Varning!" and it says I need to "Logga in" but I don't have a Användarnamn or a Lösenord. Iffa Ia speaka vitha mya Sveedisha accenta I can almost (...) (13 years ago, 6-May-12, to lugnet.trains)

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