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  First train meet by a Swedish LUG?
The Swedish LUG Swebrick ( has had many meetings, but today was the first one solely spent on trains. (URL) (text is in Swedish, but pictures are valid in all languages). We had a lovely day, everybody was happy, and all the trains (...) (13 years ago, 5-May-12, to lugnet.trains)
  Looking for sellers at USA/Europe LEGO conventions to sell my LEGO DVDs
I'm to busy to attend LEGO conventions around the USA or in Europe... but I'm looking for some familiar names who have a table/booth at LEGO fests/conventions that want to earn some extra bucks selling my LEGO DVDs. I'd ship you a quantity of DVDs, (...) (13 years ago, 5-May-12, to
  New Custom Instructions
New custom train and sculpture instructions are now available in my Bricklink shop! (5 URLs) --Tony (13 years ago, 4-May-12, to, lugnet.trains, lugnet.general,, FTX)
  Re: Autumnal Awesomeness!
(...) Wow! That is awesome. I am supremely jealous, I've been wanting a forest like that for years. --Tony (13 years ago, 4-May-12, to lugnet.trains,,,, FTX)
  Re: Autumnal Awesomeness!
(...) Very nice, very autumny. Have you tried mixing colours in a tree to see what it looks like? ROSCO (13 years ago, 4-May-12, to lugnet.trains,,,, FTX)
  Re: Autumnal Awesomeness!
John, I am very lucky to say I have had a chance to see those leaves in Green. They are very very well done. I hope when you make you way up here for that you manage to pack a few bags of the other colours in with the B.E.D. Shirt(1) (...) (13 years ago, 4-May-12, to lugnet.trains,,,, FTX)
  Re: Sea kayak (yes, one more)
(...) I think this is the best one! (But I havent seen many kayaks IRL) (13 years ago, 3-May-12, to
  Canadian sales May 4-10
No LEGO in Zellers, Sears or Walmart (mostly Mothers day stuff) flyers. (I did talk to a young girl this week at a LEGO display who thought a LEGO train would be an excellent Mother's Day present). TRU flyer is good Friday May 4th through Thursday (...) (13 years ago, 3-May-12, to
  Re: Sea kayak (yes, one more)
In, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote: (... and messed up the FTX) Here are the pictures in easy view: (3 URLs) Play well, Jacob (5 URLs) (13 years ago, 3-May-12, to, FTX)  
  Sea kayak (yes, one more)
It is actually quite fun to work on these sea kayak designs, so I built one more: (4 URLs) I suppose I'll have to build Bregnerod Kayak Club soon. (Model 5 and 6 are already in progress and I think I have pieces for ten or twenty replicas of the (...) (13 years ago, 3-May-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)

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