| | Re: Review of set 4766, Graveyard Duel
(...) Very interesting.... and here I thought that TLG was REDUCING the number of new parts so as to cut their red ink. TLG has so many new parts that they no longer have much of a semblance of the "System of Play" that they started out with in (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.harrypotter)
 | | Re: NXT to NXT communication?
(...) Yep. I'm not at all sure about hardwiring two NXT's together - to be honest, I've not even thought about it, because BT connections are so easy and secure. Early on I investigated the BT option by sending simple numbers between two NXT's. But (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | Re: NXT firmware to be open source
(...) I'd be interested to know if the MUPs or MDPs have any further info on these developer kits, or have any further info they can share? I assume the dev environment is Windows based, it would be interesting to know what it's written in, and if (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)
 | | NXT to NXT communication?
Hi all you M[U|D]Ps I know most of the MDPs probably only have 1 NXT, but I'm hoping someone out there has 2, and has investigated NXT-NXT communication. Is it possible? How hard is it? I'm currently thinking Bluetooth, but is there any other way? (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | Re: Striscione: altri due bozzetti
(...) Allora, per i Giochi Sforzeschi le magliette le ho fatte io e devo dire che l'esperimento mi è riuscito piuttosto bene. Avevo trovato il materiale per per trasferire il logo molto lucido, l'unica nota stonata erano le magliette che per avere (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)