| | 3 days to some new unoffical parts......
Can you spell NXT? Kevin (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Rolling Walking Rabbit Wrecker
(...) Eric it is beuatiful.... does it actually walk autonomously? I'm baaaaack! K (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
 | | 3 days and counting
We get to talk in a few days..... anyone want to get fired up for question and answer.... Kevin Clague MUP 6 (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | Re: Introducing Harry Vig
(...) Wow! I totally missed these when you posted them! I like the idea of another vig character to go along with Joe - maybe a vig with both Joe and Harry would work? And I especially like the use of pink seats in "Harry Resigns", although dark (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.vignette, FTX)
 | | Re: Question for a BrickJournal article.. JJMA
(...) Thanks for hunting the info down Chris. Maybe there should be an article on ldraw.org that gets updated each year? There currently seems to be mention of the 2001 & 2005 awards, but in different places, it would be nice to keep it all together (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)
 | | Re: Yes, but what IS it????? [Pt. 2]
(...) Yay! I was right! Those must be the coarse filter to remove large objects. Bravo! ROSCO (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | scambio set 4404
ciao a tutti! set 4404 praticamente nuovo: montato una volta, lasciato in esposizione per qualche mese e poi nuovamente inscatolato! scambio volentieri questo fantastico mezzo giallo (URL) con il variopinto elicottero 4403 della stessa serie (URL) (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug.market)
 | | Re: Is that all there is?
(...) This is great news! I did notice mention of 2006 sets by a LEGO employee here: (URL) happy to see confirmation. I hope there will be even more sets. Perhaps some sort of lodge. or Valkyries? :-D I added 7020 and 7021 to the LUGNET LEGO sets (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, FTX)
 | | Re: LLCA Promobrick program on hold
(...) Well, between that and the price of gas, there's no reason for me to be a LLCA passmember anymore. Darrell (19 years ago, 22-Apr-06, to lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.promo, FTX)
 | | Re: Curatorship
(...) If you would, please add these models under the MOCs heading, and maybe include a link to the contest: (URL) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings)