 | | Re: Where should I center this one?
| (...) Yeah, but only when the rotation point is in a normal position. I agree with Sproat, because the hinges will still be easy to position if left unturned. Also, whenever they are turned, it will most likely be in a sub model, so the insertion (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.cad.dev)
| |  | | Re: Mindstorms Ogre
| In lugnet.robotics, Mario Ferrari writes: [snip] (...) Yes indeedy, those appear to be the old, large, tread links that came with early Expert Builder and Technic sets. They are still available through Pitsco/Dacta, AFAIK: "Conveyer Belt Links" (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.robotics)
| |  | | FS Sets #6663,#6596,#6341,#6344
| Have set #6663,#6596,#6341,#6344. All pieces are present, No boxes. Do not have original instructions only printed ones from internet. Make good offer, pieces in excellent shape and all minifigs are present. Chris Parrent chrp2@concentric.net (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
| |  | | Re: Podracers Guild?
| I'll put one together! Pat J (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
| |  | | Pirates
| I have 3 unopened pirates sets that I would consider trading for 9v train sets or other pirate sets. 2 pcs - 6280 Armada Flagship 1 pc - 6250 Cross Bone Clipper I would like 6289, 4536,4537,4544,4547,4551,4554 and/or 4565. I would also consider (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
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