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 Underground / *368 (-10)
  Re: London Underground Standard Tube Stock
(...) Sock! LOL Thanks for your comments. If you look at the pic below you should be able to see the skirting (far left of pic, with a motor wheel visible under by its metallic shine). (URL) Ta, David (17 years ago, 17-Aug-07, to lugnet.trains,, lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Re: London Underground Standard Tube Stock
(...) David: Nice work! I love the general shape of those cars and the use of the smaller train wheels is spot-on. One question. You mentioned the motor in the actual cars being hidden beneath a skirt. Is this true on your model as well? Do these (...) (17 years ago, 17-Aug-07, to lugnet.trains,, lugnet.underground, FTX)
  London Underground Standard Tube Stock
This is my most recent tube train. I haven't had much time to build recently so I've been putting more stuff online. The Standard tube stock dates back to the 1920s. It was a series of tube stocks which were designed to be cross-compatable. The (...) (17 years ago, 16-Aug-07, to lugnet.trains,, lugnet.underground, FTX) ! 
  Re: Little scenery: The Journey to the Center of the Earth
(...) Neat! I like the idea of filling up a whole shelf with a diorama. I'm looking forward to seeing the other shelves. Cross-posted to .underground. Marc Nelson Jr. (URL) Marc's Creations>> (18 years ago, 29-Nov-06, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.underground, FTX)
  Dirty Bricks '06 - Contest, Lego prizes and a bag of chips!
Well, the time has come again to have a nice friendly competition... There are contests that showcase a builder's skill. There are contests that showcase a builder's creativity. There are even contests that showcase a builder's sense of humour. This (...) (18 years ago, 1-Aug-06, to,, lugnet.underground, FTX) ! 
  London Underground Battery Locomotive
Hi all, I've finished the last of my LU trio. (URL) Full details here: (URL) David (19 years ago, 6-Nov-05, to lugnet.underground,, lugnet.trains, FTX) ! 
  London Underground D78 Subsurface Stock
Mind the Gap! (URL) This is my D78ss train. It is the second of my three LU creations and the second one to be functionally complete (the first still isn't). (URL) The D78 stock (or just 'D stock') runs solely on the District line and numbers 75 (...) (19 years ago, 22-Sep-05, to lugnet.underground,, lugnet.trains, FTX)  
  Re: London Underground 1995 Tube Stock
(...) Thanks so much for showing this. I was actually on that train on the Northern Line on Sunday musing about how to build it in Lego and was very pleasantly surprised to see it appear yesterday. It is such a faithful reproduction in six wide that (...) (19 years ago, 21-Sep-05, to lugnet.underground,, lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: London Underground 1995 Tube Stock
Having travelled in that stock for a good few years (on the Northern Line), that is most certainly a well recognisable rendering. I wander if someone has built a suitable Lego tunnel for it. Of all the northern Line stations, the one that has be (...) (19 years ago, 20-Sep-05, to lugnet.underground,, lugnet.trains)
  Re: London Underground 1995 Tube Stock
(...) No-one is in there yet. It is really too small to have interior detail (with much of the interior taken up with the structuring). David (19 years ago, 20-Sep-05, to lugnet.underground,, lugnet.trains, FTX)

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