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 Trains / Train Organizations / TCLTC / 152
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The TCLTC Relocates to the Twin Cities
Fri, 7 Jan 2011 06:13:16 GMT
21217 times
And just like that, the TCLTC has returned back to the Twin Cities of Minneapolis & St. Paul, and in style!

Thanks to warehouse space provided by Dan Siskind, owner of Brickmania, we have been able to set up our layout for long-term public exposition every second Saturday of the month in NE Minneapolis.

Dan’s space is also home to the Greater Midwest LEGO Train Club’s (GMLTC) layout as well. It’s like having a mini-train show every other week!

It has been great to be able to work on the layout again and come out of the semi-retirement state we were in. I am still getting together some decent pics of the space; I’ll post them soon.

Thanks again to Dan!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The TCLTC Relocates to the Twin Cities
(...) Welcome back to the Midwest! (...) Looking forward to them. Benn BTW, are you still the go to man for lego train shirts? (not that I'm presently in need, but hey, got to keep the roloedex up to date). (13 years ago, 16-Jan-11, to, FTX)

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