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New Train Club Founded-- Twin Cities LEGO Train Club (TCLTC)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce,
Thu, 13 Sep 2001 03:16:07 GMT
5955 times
Although I am a member of the Greater Midwest LEGO Train Club, I am
forming a sister club called the Twin Cities LEGO Train Club.  This club
will differ from the GMLTC in that it will be a truly modular club, with
members providing their own modules to form the layout.

The format will be similar to the GMLTC's previous layout, with modules
being 30" x 45", and all built up from LEGO.  I have enough modules
started from my home layout to provide a minimum sized layout (7.5' x
10'), making it pretty easy to grow the layout as new members come in.

And speaking of prospective members, let me say this.  Although this
will be a train club, I would like to emphasis that this will be a
*LEGO* train club.  I say that because what I want are members who want
to make really cool modules, in whatever theme they want.  If trains
don't fit in well with your scheme, then we can run the track through
the back of your modules underground.  I am envisioning modules which
would double as dioramas at home, or home dioramas which would double as
layout modules.

Since I am in the process of changing ISPs, setting up a new computer,
and setting up a web site, progress might be a little slow, but I hope
to have "in-progress" pics, layout plans, etc. out in the next month or
so.  For now, you can check out our logo:

If you are in the MSP area and think you might want to be a part of
this, drop me a line at (my days are


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Train Club Founded-- Twin Cities LEGO Train Club (TCLTC)
Wow, very cool John. I'd love to see some pictures of what you have built so far. It will be interesting to see how the club's layout works with a "true" modular mentality in LEGO. I'm guess that it will be designed for 8 wide of course. Good luck (...) (23 years ago, 13-Sep-01, to

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