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 Trains / 30979
    LMS Class 3F - Jinty —Timothy Gould
   (URL) Posted to LUGNET just for John Neal. Tim (15 years ago, 24-Nov-09, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
        Re: LMS Class 3F - Jinty —John Neal
     (...) Hey, a dark red Duck! (URL) A tasty build, Tim! Thanks for posting it here; I really would have missed it otherwise. I would like to see your virtual version as well. JOHN (15 years ago, 24-Nov-09, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
         Re: LMS Class 3F - Jinty —Timothy Gould
     (...) Here you go (URL) If you have an RSS viewer (or a modern browser) I suggest you subscribe to (URL). It will give you all the updates to the (URL) LEGO trains group> I started on Flickr. There's lots of good stuff there. Tim (15 years ago, 24-Nov-09, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
         Re: LMS Class 3F - Jinty —John Neal
     (...) Yeah, there it is. Fantastic. I just love good LEGO CAD renders! (...) Okay, I did it. Thanks. There is a lot of great stuff there! JOHN (15 years ago, 25-Nov-09, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
        Re: LMS Class 3F - Jinty —Benn Coifman
   (...) Hey, what about me? (grin) Benn (15 years ago, 27-Nov-09, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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