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Brickworld 2008... not
lugnet.trains, lugnet.announce.moc
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 04:42:13 GMT
38327 times
Okay, sorry for the tease in the subject, but as I’m getting reading for Brickworld, I was finally able to upload a few pictures of a train MOC from last summer. And it has been almost a month since we’ve seen any new train MOCs posted.

I was inspired by the availability of dark blue and went to town to make a C&O passenger train. I was waiting to post until I lettered it, but at the rate I’m going on that project, well... I decided to post now.

The locomotive is an E8. At a quick glance the locomotive looks like a simple repaint of the Super Chief F7, but while the design does borrow from the F’s, e.g., the top of the nose, it has many differences. Notable features include the faked third axle on the trucks (doh! rear truck was derailed in some of the photos), details on the roof, use of cheese bricks for the nose (the light blay was very rare last summer), the upside down cheese bricks edging the fuel tank to capture the E8 styling from EMD (hard to see in these photos unless you’re looking), and my good old cheating stickers for the porthole windows.

The passenger cars are largely my old standard design, with tiles for the roof instead of studs in this build. A blunt end observation brings up the rear of the train and for those of you looking for a little fun, be sure to reverse engineer it in the current issue of RailBricks.

The complete gallery can be found here

Finally, keep an eye out for real Brickworld pictures. Like others, I will be debuting several new train MOCs there. But those are secret for a few more days.

Comments and questions are more than welcome,



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brickworld 2008... not
Well I was going to say, it looks a bit like a repainted super chief, but then you already mentioned that. And then I was going to comment about the colours (the blue does look great), but again you already had. The cheese pieces were cool as was 6 (...) (16 years ago, 18-Jun-08, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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