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 Trains / 27176
    Final Fantasy VII Locomotive —Derek Lim
   I'm usually a lurker - and a space building lurker at that - but even us lurkers have to put up a MoC once in a while to prove we're alive. So here it is, a locomotive from the RPG Final Fantasy VII, I think anything else is explained in the (...) (18 years ago, 2-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) !! 
        Re: Final Fantasy VII Locomotive —Timothy Gould
     (...) Excellent rendition and great choice of source material. Are you going to make the cars to go with it? They look fun to do and there's some prime snot opportunity in them. Strangely enough although I've more than two hundred hours of my life (...) (18 years ago, 2-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
        Re: Final Fantasy VII Locomotive —Kevin Heckel
   (...) That's some (URL) hot space station justice> right there. You've got me waxing nostalgic for FF7. A few criticisms: Firstly, even though it can't be done in such a silver, there are ways to ameliorate the monolithic amount of black. I suggest (...) (18 years ago, 3-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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