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 Trains / 26787
    WamaLTC - Photos from Two Shows —Bob Hayes
   WamaLTC just completed two weekends in a row of shows. Photos from the Great American Scale Model Train show in Timonium Maryland on Febuary 4 and 5 can be found here: (URL) and (URL) from the Worlds Greatest Hobby on Tour Show in Chantilly Virginia (...) (19 years ago, 14-Feb-06, to lugnet.trains,
        Re: WamaLTC - Photos from Two Shows —Ondrew Hartigan
   (...) i was checking out pics of that bridge last night. i must say it is truly impressive. there are plenty of great ideas incorperated and it realy looks realistic. if you get a chance more pics would be awsome! ondrew (19 years ago, 14-Feb-06, to lugnet.trains,

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