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GBC 6 - the obsession continues...
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.trains,, lugnet.announce
Mon, 28 Mar 2005 19:57:12 GMT
521 times
   Well, a week ago I finally made it down to a GBC assembly in central Indiana.
For those who think the GBC videos are wonderful, I can now state from
experience they are nothing compared to actually being there! Steve has already
posted some pictures of the more than 20 modules we had integrated into one
wonderfully active, noisy GBC:

This time it was built in a loop with the train closing the loop around a series
of tables - the experience from the middle, surrounded by modules, was one not
to be missed. Just some of the new elements included a ball pump (cool, although
it had some problems with jamming), a module that successfully used the
Mindstorms tank treads (!) to lift the balls, and a couple of novel lifts based
on bent lift arms (one case lifting balls by essentially pushing them up a wall
- very cool). My forklift was popular (and didn't screw up too badly) as well.
There were modules powered by train controlers, battery boxes, RCXs, Scouts,
Spybots, and even Manas units! Just amazing to see in person! While I've been
working closely with Steve to work out the GBC, the group in Lafeyette, IN,
really has taken off with this and done a simply amazing job, and I was very
very happy to attend.

   My nominal excuse for attending was to learn how to set up & manage such an
assembly for the House of Bricks event in Chicago, coming up on May 6-8 at the
Schaumberg Marriot (just a mile from the mall and PaB):

This is likely the next place to assembly the GBC, and anybody who wants to
contribute is more than welcome - just sign up for HoB, and bring your

Brian Davis

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