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Remote DCC Switch
Sun, 19 Sep 2004 18:26:12 GMT
6663 times
Hi All,

As Lar anticipated, combining my recent posts about the smart motor and motorized switch with a short bit of wire soldered to a switch track, the result is this:

click an image to enlarge

The advantage to this is that since both power and control signals are pulled directly from the track, there is no need to clutter the layout with a bunch of long wires or pneumatic hoses.

Here are some detailed views of the switch mod:

click an image to enlarge

The two white wires on the top of the right photo are there to give both the main and divergent routes power at all times. The grooves for the black wire were created with this new Dremel bit I’ve added to my ABS persuasion kit:

click image to enlarge

(Yes, that old dark gray ABS dust you see there... ;-)

I’ve done some preliminary operational tests and everything works swell. I still need to add full support for this to the LDCC firmware (coming soon).

Though I wasn’t a trainhead at the time, I’m reminded of the DCC switches in Ben’s April Fool’s Joke (second photo down). As it turns out, all that’s really required to make that DCC system reality is some DCC decoders, a few mods and a bit of software - the rest is Lego.



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