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Alpine Village
Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:18:47 GMT
! (details)
17919 times
  This project began in Pittsburgh in January after weeks of seeing snow covered
rooftops.  It slowly grew from a few buildings to a bona fide display.  Never
having been to Switzerland, a Fodor's travel guide was valuable in researching
the geography, history, and architecture.  Abe's photos from brickfair 2009
capture the MOC nicely.

  Minifigs and vehicles were removed during non-public viewing times because the
display was located in the hotel lobby rather than the main ballroom and
therefore could not be locked up at night.  But during the day, the line to pay
for entry into Brickfair stopped directly in front of it.  Most kids first
noticed a yeti in the tunnel or Batman pouring his drink from a balcony onto Mr.

  Many adults did a double take when they realized that the mountain mosaic
backdrop was also made of LEGO.  A popular questions was "How many hours did it
take?"  Removing the parts from shipping boxes and rebuilding it for the show
might have taken four hours, the mosaic required probably twenty hours - the
rest was nearly impossible to estimate.

  Many thanks to Deborah Higdon-Leblond who encouraged changing the original roof lines to be less uniform and less staircase-like.  This was a good challenge to which there proved to be many solutions.  Thanks also to Marian Hardy for her generous transportation of the bulk of this MOC.   A question remains to be answered: what to do with it now?

the Schubert family

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Alpine Village
(...) i was so impressed when i saw pictures of your moc emerging from brickfair, i only wish i'd been there to see it in person! what a great job, and the mosaic added the final incredible touch. congrats and thanks for the thanks, glad i was able (...) (15 years ago, 7-Sep-09, to, FTX)  

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