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Liebherr LTM1400 scale 1:15
lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic,
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 22:40:37 GMT
!! (details)
1224 times
Have you ever seen a scale 1:15 Liebherr LTM1400 LEGO-crane? I not, check
this out! A few years ago a good friend of mine, Ron Jansen, built this
briljant telescopic crane of Van Seumeren. It total height is 3.3 metres and
it’s weight is 17 kg!! Unbelievable! Because Ron has no internet connection
or a website I asked him if I should put these pictures on the internet.
‘Why not?’ he said. Well, he would like to share these pictures with you!
And if you have some questions, please send me an e-mail. In a meanwhile, I
know as much about this model as the constructor himself!

But first you must see some pictures and read Ron's short story:

In the same period I built my Liebherr LG1550 latice boom crane:

Enjoy it!

Dennis Bosman

B.t.w.: soon I will show you the first pictures of the DEMAG CC12600 crane,
scale 1:24. Also built by Ron (work in progress!!). If you want to see this
model in real, than visit the Modelshow Europe on April 13th 2002 in Ochten
NL (for more info:

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Liebherr LTM1400 scale 1:15
BONK! (Sound of jaw dropping on desk...) Duq Dennis Bosman <> wrote in message (...) and (...) connection (...) I (...) crane, (...) this (...) Ochten (...) (23 years ago, 27-Oct-01, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic,
  Re: Liebherr LTM1400 scale 1:15
(...) I guess the big questions in my mind are around the show... What was the show about? Was this model commissioned? Did Ron work for the company that's exhibiting? For Van Suemeren? What does it say on the display stand? Other than that I guess (...) (23 years ago, 28-Oct-01, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic,
  Re: Liebherr LTM1400 scale 1:15
(...) Not yet. (...) (URL) This is amazing! That is an excellent model and I'm very impressed. It kind of reminds me of the first time I saw Dennis' crane: (URL) jaw hit the table and I stared in disbelief for quite a while. Thanks to Ron for (...) (23 years ago, 28-Oct-01, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic,

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