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New inline 4 cylinder Pneumatic Engine - No valves.
lugnet.technic, lugnet.announce.moc
Sat, 3 Feb 2007 10:24:42 GMT
! (details)
19273 times
Not quite the same old inline 4 underneath - this engine is only single acting, because to make it double acting would mean double the amount of t-pieces and cables, which is already a lot.

anyway, no valves in this engine at all, just a mechanism for squeezing the hoses using a custom made camshaft - I’ll put up instructions on how to make my cams later if people are interested.

There are 11 parts that are absolutely required to be modified for this engine to work:

3x 2 stud long axle, modified to 1.5 studs. 8x 16z bevel gear (the newer round ones) - these are modified so only half the teeth remain on one side.

anyway, it works! it has a slight dead spot, due to the last cylinder in the firing cycle not quite being able to push the entire crankshaft around the last bit, this has been fixed in an update however, and now the engine works like silk...

further refinements are necessary as it’s a little slow, and I need a compressor to test it properly.

cheers all, hope this new system is useful!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New inline 4 cylinder Pneumatic Engine - No valves.
(...) Very interested. I'm always on the lookout for new cam designs. The engine's very cool, although I can't quite visualize the motion. Thanks! Rick C. (18 years ago, 5-Feb-07, to lugnet.technic, FTX)

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