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 Technic / 10322
10321  |  10323
Sat, 10 May 2003 15:11:49 GMT
2204 times
James, I've been extremely inspired by your tiny weight shifters.

I knew that my original attempts were going to be bested, but I hand't
gotten inspiration to make them smaller.  I actually finished up a uCOG III
that had smaller feet than uCOG II, but it wasn't much of a victory.

Using some ideas from your design, I came up with uCOG IV, an upright walker
that is notably smaller than uCOG III, where the footprint is a 2x4, instead
of 4x6.

Here he is:

Here he is standing next to uCOG III

uCOG IV is not as small as Mighty Mite 2, but he has a smaller footprint and
more foot clearance.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: uCOG IV
I forgot to mention that given uCOG IV weighs so little, the torsional and bending resistance of the cable has a huge effect on walking. I'm motivated to make a micro-battery pack, with six hearing aid batteries.... :^) Kevin (22 years ago, 10-May-03, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: uCOG IV
(...) - Kevin, I'm glad you were inspired by my little walkers. This one is pretty cool. It reminds me of a little toddler =) I saw uCOG III a couple days ago(those 24-tooth gears sure come in handy as cams) and thought it looked nice. You're right (...) (22 years ago, 11-May-03, to lugnet.technic)

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