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 Star Wars / 15050
15049  |  15051
Re: A Star Destroyer Pictorial
Mon, 6 Jan 2003 06:10:52 GMT
1138 times
That's a great photo documentary of the building process, Brad (not to
mention cute and funny)! Beautiful babies you have there, both the human and
3-foot LEGO variety!

Thanks for sharing!


In lugnet.starwars, Brad Leffler writes:
Here's a little project that I though I'd share with all the other Lego
fans. I got a package in the mail yesterday, and I was practically giddy
with excitement. Can't say as much for the project foreman, but what can you
do, she's probably smarter than I am! Enjoy.

Until next time,

Message is in Reply To:
  A Star Destroyer Pictorial
Here's a little project that I though I'd share with all the other Lego fans. I got a package in the mail yesterday, and I was practically giddy with excitement. Can't say as much for the project foreman, but what can you do, she's probably smarter (...) (21 years ago, 3-Jan-03, to lugnet.starwars)

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