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I-Beam ship
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 03:08:46 GMT
2371 times
Scene: February, 2001.  A hotel room in the suburbs of Chicago.  Spread out
on the bed:  the parts from two copies of set 7180, the Star Wars B-Wing
Fighter at Rebel Control Center.  With nothing to do in a strange town, an
odd thought crosses our heroes mind: "People always build *long* spaceships.
I wonder how *wide* I can make this thing?"

So that's what I set out to do.  I didn't seriously try to build it as
absolutely wide as possible, in the end.  I also didn't spend as much time
refining it as I should have.  But I did use all the pieces. :)  Including
the two extra left wings. :)

I didn't have any backstory in mind when I built the ship.  Like I said, I
just wanted to build wide, use all the pieces, and do some interesting
greeblie stuff.

There's a crew of four, but no living areas other than the cockpits, so it's
probably a short-range ship.  Maybe a research/scanning vessel?  Or it could
be a prisoner transport.  You decide.

Take a look at it at:


Not the most beautiful MOC in the world, but my wife will be happy to get it
off the TV (where it's been sitting for a few months).

There are only a few functional elements.  The cockpits open, the crane-arms
swing, a pair of tanks (or are they astromechs?) are removeable, and there's
a hatch on the back that allows removal of some vital component.

Besides the garish colors, and the sometimes ugly construction, the main
problem is that the wings aren't very sturdy.  They're open on the bottom,
they sag noticeably, and they fall apart easily.  C'est la vie.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: I-Beam ship
heh nice one there. -- And they said 'Computers will never be in general use' "Steve Bliss" <> wrote in message (...) out (...) spaceships. (...) it's (...) could (...) it (...) crane-arms (...) (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jun-01, to
  Re: I-Beam ship
That's weird, in a good way :-D -- Chef/Dan/Bubba Bear ICQ:84584424 AIM: DaGlassAWasta (URL) Bliss <> wrote in message (...) out (...) spaceships. (...) it's (...) could (...) it (...) crane-arms (...) (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to

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