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Growth of the Battlestar Galactica Rag Tag Fleet - 2 new Mini models
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce.moc,
Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:11:39 GMT
60067 times
Hello dear lego community,

since almost two years, I run a small sub section of my website dealing with Battlestar Galactica models. Although the Galactica itself plays the main role in the series, there are several other vessels of interest Especially the so-called Rag Tag Fleet is rich of various starship types. Today I want to show you two more of them.

First the more popular one, the Foundry Ship. It is a kind of construction/repair and supply vessel. It’s complete with all details like construction hall, egine cylinder command tower, landing deck with lift and all the nice greebling barrels and tubes above and under the main deck.

Click the link or image below for more images and instructions: Foundry Ship

Second for today is a less popular ship, but also seen several times within the Rag Tag Fleet. Although there is apparently no name for the ship, it a kind of medium freighter. Everything is constructed around a cylindrical main body. Although pretty small, it features some nice building tricks.

Click the link or image below for more images and instructions: Freighter (unnamed)

That’s it for this year! Have some great holiday, and hope to see you next year!

Yours Christopher.

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