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 Space / 28821
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Getting things Space-d up around here.
Thu, 30 Oct 2003 04:05:36 GMT
1116 times
Hi Everyone,

I have taken over Curator duties from Jon (Travis will soon be Co-Curator).

We plan to get the .space features like the seed part and the monthly computer back on track, and update some of the crash course stuff.


-Grand Admiral
.space Curator

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Getting things Space-d up around here.
(...) Congrats! I'm looking forward to seeing the new content! Joe Meno .space paparazzi! (21 years ago, 30-Oct-03, to, FTX)
  Re: Getting things Space-d up around here.
(...) Huzzah! And only a short time ago, court-martialled and disgraced. A true success story...I smell made-for-TV movie! Congrats to you both. -G (21 years ago, 30-Oct-03, to, FTX)
  Re: Getting things Space-d up around here.
ALL HAIL MARK. ALL HAIL mark. all... c'mon... guys. Hail. You! With the castle helmet. I didn't get a hail outta you... Wait a minute... castle helmet?? GIT A ROPE! ;-) Welcome Grand Currator. (URL) Admiral Giddens <>< (URL) space. (21 years ago, 30-Oct-03, to, FTX)

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