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Let me tell you about GSNOT
Mon, 15 Sep 2003 06:27:29 GMT
523 times
Ok considering the thousands of cool builders out there that don’t share their stuff online, and the hundreds of MOCs I’ve still not seen online this might have been done before, but I’ve never seen it:

Gary (the G in GSNOT) McIntire showed this to me the other day at work and everyone started freaking out about it and seeing all the different things we could do with it.

Very cool. I already used it for the tail of Gwyllion. If anyone else has built with this already give a yell, I’d love to see what you’ve done.

    j o n

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Let me tell you about GSNOT
(...) Spiffy! So what's GSNOT??? XFUT to build because that's a way cool technique. Maybe I'll actually start to like those click hinges. Does it still work after you've worn the nubs off by repeated(1) exercising of the hinge? 1 - say, 100 times or (...) (21 years ago, 15-Sep-03, to,  
  Re: Let me tell you about GSNOT
(...) GSNOT rocks! Way cool! Thanks for sharing this. Peace and Long Life, Tony Alexander (21 years ago, 16-Sep-03, to

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