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 Robotics / Vision Command / 49
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simple create own regions for Vision Command
Fri, 10 Nov 2000 08:33:54 GMT
4205 times
Hi everybody out there !

If your not happy with the fields lego designed in the vision command software
there is a simple solution if you have a Bitmap-Editor installed.
There is a directory called ???\Vision_Command\data\hdData\VCSData\Regions\
(how complicated)
in this directory are some subdirectories.
Make a copy of 06 and call it 21. (This has 8 regions (fields, however))
Switch to the new directory and open the file XX.bmp with your editor.
This 8 colors (or is it coulors ? who cares ?!?) represent the 8 fields !!
So it's up to you to modify this bitmap and in the VC software there will apear
a number 21 in the scroll bar where your bitmap is used.
It is by the way possible to use the color in more then one field.
So you can edit a chess board with these 8 colors for example.
(Does this make sense ??) ;-)
The files 00.bmp -> 08.bmp are used to invert the live-video in VC software.
The files 00.rle -> 08.rle are used to show which region you are editing in the
VC software.
So if you want to have a good result you will have to edit these files too.
(Test your XX.bmp if it wors fine before editin the other fiels !!)

Try it !
Some things are much easier now !


P.S.: Hi Jan Nouza !
This might be interesting for you and your students !

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: simple create own regions for Vision Command
Hi Rainer and others, (...) Yes I am listening. I also browsed the VC directories some weeks ago and was making/verifying hypothesis about the meaning of all the files there. So I also discorevered the field definition files. But now I definitely (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to

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