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Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
Fri, 14 Nov 2008 17:07:02 GMT
26868 times
In lugnet.robotics, Michael Huffman wrote:

Very nice; I like your design!

Thanks - like you said, simple sometimes tends to be a good approach, and while
I only had the red hulls there wasn't a lot of mass budget to "overbuild".

we figured we still needed someone in the pool, just in
case something went wrong...

That I *completely* understand. I just haven't had the luxury of a warm pool to
play in, so it's test in the bathtub, and then really hope it works "in the
wild". It's... nerve-wracking.

One potentially helpful almost-within-your-rules suggestion? Fill
the boat hulls with styrofoam.

I think it'd be allowed... within reason.

I actually used a hot-wire cutter to shape pieces of foam insulation to
custom-fit the hulls. Easier solutions would probably have worked... but with a
$250 NXT in the mix, I decided to give myself the best insurance I could.

We talked about sailboats afterwards, but we didn't think it would
work without portable fans.

Very good point. I was thinking about it because my solution is currently
limited to the batteries contained in the stock LEGO boat motors, which isn't
much (I want to move up to longer trips). I really need to move up to a
different propulsion system, as much as I like the "stealth" approach that
Serenity has currently.

I didn't take the video; I've asked if we could get a small
segment of the race up on YouTube if it looks good.  I'll let
you know.

I look forward to that or any pictures of the various boats. This seems to be
an... undertapped area.

Brian Davis

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
(...) I'll patiently wait for the modified class... *evil grin* -Rob (15 years ago, 14-Nov-08, to lugnet.robotics,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
(...) Very nice; I like your design! Since it was our first challenge, we figured we still needed someone in the pool, just in case something went wrong... We had one boat capsized, one boat take on too much water, & a few circle out of control. (...) (15 years ago, 14-Nov-08, to lugnet.robotics)

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