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NXT retail or education version - which are you going to buy and why?
Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:04:36 GMT
2889 times
I am really excited to get my hands on a NXT and will order on April 1.  But
where to order it from. LEGO S@H or LEGO Education.

The following site has some good comparisons:

Since I'd like to get it sooner rather them later, I'm inclined to go retail,
but the education version seems to have some nice features.

My question to others:  Which version are you going to buy and why?


Ben Fleskes
Big Ben Bricks LLC

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: NXT retail or education version - which are you going to buy and why?
(...) Another important feature of the education version is the 3 RCX converter cables. But AFAIK, you can only pre-order from the lego retail store. So thats the one I'm going to get. If I could wait, I'd get the education version. As it is, I'm (...) (19 years ago, 31-Mar-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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