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Scout third motor microscout Hack
lugnet.robotics, lugnet.robotics.scout, lugnet.robotics.microscout
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 10:49:58 GMT
16528 times
I was playing around with my Scout and using a microscout as a third motor using the VLL and fibre optics. It has limited use due to the length restrictions of the fibre optic cable and the microscout motor is not the easiest to use or mount.

I have often played around with two motors connected by a LEGO wire. One motor acts as a generator that powers the other motor. Why not use that set up in conjunction with the Scout/Microscout setup? Parts Needed:

The Microscout motor and a geared motor mate perfectly.

The final mating. A bit Frankenstein-ish but it works. A little plate top and bottom makes a strong connection (omitted for clarity)

The third motor can now be placed anywhere in the model and you gain a little versatility at the cost of a bit of power (possibly) lost in the transfer of power from motor-to-motor-to-motor.

Interesting possibilities. I think it could also be used with Code Pilot to run an additional motor if I’m not mistaken. I don’t own one so I can’t test it.

Thought I would share.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Scout third motor microscout Hack
(...) ...SNIP... (...) Really nice combination! Do you have any sample code, either regular Mindstorms or NQC, that runs the combo. I'd love to try... Joseph (19 years ago, 5-Apr-05, to lugnet.robotics.scout, FTX)

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