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Cool custom Islanders
Fri, 12 May 2000 15:08:30 GMT
1078 times
Don't know is anyone's tried this yet, but Native American heads look much
better on Islander torsos IMO.  The face vary with the paint job so you have
more individuals instead of a bunch of guys who paint their face the same
way.   BTW, The female head Native American head looks great with the
Islander babe torso.

I made a cool lookin' witch doctor too.  Take the torso and legs of the King
Kahuka 'fig, add red epaulets and a red cape, add a Darth Maul head, and
crown it off with a Bat Lord helmet.  I like it a LOT!  Looks scary!


"There is no end, no beginning.  There is only the infinite passion of
life."  -Federico Fellini

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Cool custom Islanders
Well, rats! Here someone else has come along and glommed onto my own concepts before I got them out onto the web. In my case, these approaches were driven by a Dark Age which covered the period of Islanders, so that I've had to pick up incomplete (...) (24 years ago, 12-May-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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