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inner workings of the old-style cannon
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 17:53:44 GMT
1170 times
I dissassembled one of the old-style cannons (the kind with the black plunger
which, on earlier models, could be pulled back) by pressing in the two small
clips on the sides of tthe barrel.
the contents are such:

1 base piece (with the mold number, 2527, on the bottom)
1 front cannon part (the barrel [has a long, thin pin inside] , a pair of pins
in the middle [18-21mm] to attach it to the base. 46.5mm long)
1 back cannon part (the part w/hole for plunger. 13.5mm long)
1 plunger (a 49mm long black piece which forks at about 31 mm, assuming you
start at the plunger end. from about 12.5mm to about 29mm, it is a
technic-style 'plus rod'. at its widest point [31mm along it], it's 7mm wide.)
on earlier models, a 7mm long, 7.5mm wide spring, compression type
on later models, a 7mm long, 7.5mm wide white tube (this prevents the plunger
from being pulled. it may not necessarily be white, but on mine it is. )

I hope this was informative.

Jonathan Gevaryahu

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: inner workings of the old-style cannon
In lugnet.pirates, Jonathan Gevaryahu writes all manner of interesting stuff on cannon assembly. Cool, thanks. Now I need wonder no more. I was never game to disassemble one for fear of ending up with one less cannon ;-) Richard Still baldly (...) (24 years ago, 4-Sep-00, to lugnet.pirates,
  Re: inner workings of the old-style cannon
(...) I remember I used to disassemble all my cannons and replace the white tube with a spring from one of my old technic shock absorbers ;) But now with the new single piece cannons you can't do that anymore :( (24 years ago, 4-Sep-00, to lugnet.pirates,

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